
Keeping track of the Stash - Jan.

I've been keeping track of how much fabric thread & batting I'm using & of course how much I buy! I really haven't had a lot of urge to buy much since I inherited everything my Mom had. You see my Dad wanted all Mom's fabric & crafts cleaned up & moved out ASAP. My Mom was a major hoarder. She had a room in the house that was just a pathway. A 2 room out building & a very large mini storage unit full of yarn, fabric, books crafts & ceramics etc. She had no idea what she had or just could not find it, so she would just buy more when needed. Well this all came to me. So what do you do with this much. You sort through everything & Donate lots, until people that would normally love to get some fabric, yarn & books, run at the site of you. After 4 years I've finally manged to get control of the fabric monster & I'm not letting go. Which means buying only whats really needed! Also I promised my kids I would not do that to them, knowing my kids they would take 1 look & dump the whole lot.
The "What Fabric" pattern is available at the Quilt Bus.

So here's my Stash report for the month of January:

Fabric used this month: 21 yds.

Fabric used YTD: 21 yds

Fabric Bought in Jan. 3 yds.

Fabric bought YTD: 3 yds.

Net stash used + 18 yds!

Thread spools emptied in Jan: 6 small

Batting used: 1 Full & 1 Queen

Quilted Projects finished in Jan. - 4 with to many left to count


SueR said...

Way to go with the stashbusting, Teresa, good job!

Lori in South Dakota said...

LOL-my mom died in 1992 and I'm still finding bits and pieces from her. Makes me smile.