I've had some email's lately asking if I died! No, but some day's it kinda feels like it. I have Fibromyalgia & Ostreoarthritis. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. Life can be going along great one day & the next you have a flare up then you just want to crawl in a hole & never come out. There are a lot of meds you can try. Some work, some don't. Some can make you feel worse than the FM. Let's just say this has not been a very good year...
Yes, I have been sewing & quilting. Not as much as I would like. But family & FM sometimes gets in the way! I've finish all of my mothers UFO's. Finished a couple of my own UFO's. Some more pillowcases for the grand kids & a new purses for me. I'll add a couple of pictures every few day so be sure to check back!!

"Camille's Bag" pattern by Penny Sturges http://www.quiltsillustrated.com/
Hi Teresa, Glad you are back in blog land. You were missed. We had snow last night did you? I love your purse. It's gorgeous!
Hey Teresa, I'm so glad you've started posting again, I've been wondering where you were. I'm sorry you've had a rough year, hope things are better now. Gotta take it one day at a time, I guess. I love the Camille's Bag pattern, I made one too!
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