Have you thought about what type of projects you might want to do to help others. There are lot's out there. All very good causes. I've been watching & reading, waiting for that one to catch my eye. I would love to help more but physically & economically I know I can't, so I wait to decide until one really grabs me. Many of you know my son & nephew are Marines & my daughter & son in law are Navy. Also my dad & 1 brother in law were Army & 2 brothers & 2 brothers in law were Air Force. I think I almost have all the different branches covered. So when I read Debra's blog this morning I thought that's the one! For the last hour, I've been pulling fabric & I'll be making pillow cases for the next several weeks! These guy's & gal's really have a tough job, terrible weather extremes, missing friends & family. It only takes about 15 minutes to make a simple pillowcase & if it will lift their spirits & let them know someone cares, I'll do it gladly! So if you have a few minutes & a yard of fabric let someone know you care...
Here is a link to the blog Debra started this morning... Operation Pillowcase
This picture is of my son Travis in Babylon, during his 1st of 2 deployments to Iraq. He will be heading to Afghanistan in late summer or early fall.
1 comment:
Thank You for the post and for the pillowcases! You know they will be loved.
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